DX housing loan business NTT DATA and Daiwa House|電経新聞

DX housing loan business NTT DATA and Daiwa House

NTT DATA and Daiwa House Industry have started a demonstration experiment for DX of housing loan business jointly with regional financial institutions.
They verified the efficiency of mortgage business using digital technology. Using a service mockup, they will reproduce the flow from pre-screening to loan execution, and confirm the usefulness and operability of digitizing information transmission.
Currently, housing business operators and financial institutions work closely together to support mortgage applicants. On the other hand, housing loan applications are often paper-based exchanges, examinations centered on telephones and faxes, and schedule adjustments, delaying DX throughout the value chain.
They will share the review status on a dedicated web page or app, etc., and communicate using digital technology such as remote interviews and chats to reduce the burden of answering phone calls.