2nd round of “Agri Smart City” demonstration experiment NTT Communications, ANA, and Haneda Mirai Development|電経新聞

2nd round of “Agri Smart City” demonstration experiment NTT Communications, ANA, and Haneda Mirai Development

宇部市内のコワーキングスペース(左)と昨年実施した高松市内での農業体験の様子(右)(A co-working space in Ube City (left) and an agricultural experience held in Takamatsu City last year (right))

NTT Communications, ANA, and Haneda Mirai Development Co., Ltd. will conduct the second “Agri Smart City” demonstration experiment.
The first was launched in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture. In the second installment, three new municipalities were added: Abira Town, Hokkaido, Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and Ayagawa Town, Kagawa Prefecture.
In the demonstration experiment, employees of companies in the Tokyo metropolitan area stay in the area and work remotely while also doing work in the area. They aim to become human resources capable of business development through fieldwork and workshops in the region by utilizing opportunities for interaction with other participants and local residents. In addition, regional revitalization and an increase in immigrants can be expected.
In the first round, a total of 13 people from companies in the Tokyo metropolitan area participated. In addition to remote work and farming experience, we worked on workshops to think about the appeal of the region and problem solving with participants and local people.