Real-time remote work support service “MIRAI CONNECT” released MIRAIT ONE SYSTEMS|電経新聞

Real-time remote work support service “MIRAI CONNECT” released MIRAIT ONE SYSTEMS

MIRAIT ONE SYSTEMS sells “MIRAI CONNECT”, a high-security real-time remote work support service using wearable devices.
This service uses wearable devices to distribute video and two-way voice conversations between the work site and a remote location via a high-security video and audio transmission system built by MIRAIT ONE SYSTEMS. It is a service that allows you to share and record in real time. Viewers can enlarge and adjust the exposure of the distributed video by operating the browser. This allows workers to concentrate on their work, realizing an advanced hands-free environment that reduces the burden on workers.
The device used for video distribution is the high-performance wearable neck-mounted device “THINKLET (photo)” developed by FairyDevices.