Collaborate to promote utilization of large-scale research data by IOWN RIKEN, NII and NTT|電経新聞

Collaborate to promote utilization of large-scale research data by IOWN RIKEN, NII and NTT

RIKEN, the National Institute of Informatics (NII), and NTT have signed a memorandum of understanding on collaboration and cooperation to promote the utilization of research data by IOWN, which realizes ultra-high speed, ultra-low latency, and ultra-low power consumption. Leveraging the strengths of each of the three parties, we will conduct a study and PoC on large-scale, high-quality data transfer using IOWN. NTT’s IOWN infrastructure and knowledge, as well as NII’s technology and knowledge, will be utilized at RIKEN’s research base, receiving feedback from research sites, and jointly expanding the research data utilization environment, especially the future functions of IOWN. Based on this, they will proceed with consideration toward building a data utilization environment that changes the premise of the research environment set forth in the TRIP project concept.