NTT East Group Solution Forum 2023|電経新聞

NTT East Group Solution Forum 2023

食用コオロギの養殖施設(Edible cricket farming facility)

NTT East held the “NTT East Group Solution Forum 2023” at NTTe-City Labo (Central Training Center) for three days from the 24th to the 26th. We exhibited a number of solutions that support the future of the region, including case studies for regional revitalization, which the company is focusing on.
For example, they introduced a sensor solution that uses digital twins to detect and monitor risky behavior of field workers.
The full harness worn by the worker and the stepladder are equipped with sensors to visualize the worker’s posture and the weight applied to the stepladder. Sends an alert when there is danger such as a fall.
After work, instructors provide safety guidance based on data visualized by sensors. Using data makes it easier for instructors and workers to have a common understanding.
In addition, NTT East unveiled the edible cricket farming facility that Grylas is working on.
This facility is to research and verify the technology needed to stabilize and expand edible cricket farming with ICT.
The inside of the facility is the optimum temperature for crickets (30 degrees). Maintaining the optimum temperature requires a large amount of electricity, but this facility uses solar-powered window glass that is being developed by the NTT Group. Electricity is generated on the spot and used to control air conditioners and sensors to save energy.
In addition, sensors installed in the facility detect temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration, and ammonia concentration in real time, and by analyzing these, we are trying to grasp the optimum environment for crickets.
Crickets cannibalize when it gets dark, so the brightness of the lighting is automatically adjusted.

In addition, NTTe-Drone Technology demonstrated a solution for automatic circulation and automatic monitoring by a drone with the push of a button from a remote location. The fixed-wing high-speed drone “Aero Bowing” of Aerosense, a domestic drone manufacturer, is also introduced. It is a drone that can fly long distances and for long periods of time.
NTTe-Drone Technology will collaborate with Aerosense to promote the use of drones in areas other than agriculture.
There was also a light meal experience using ingredients cultivated and cultivated by the NTT East Group, and lettuce and tomatoes harvested by NTT Agri technology and others were served.