Improving sustainability across infrastructure NTT East, TEPCO, and Tokyo Gas collaborate|電経新聞

Improving sustainability across infrastructure NTT East, TEPCO, and Tokyo Gas collaborate

右から澁谷社長、金子社長、野畑社長(From the right, President Shibutani, President Kaneko, and President Nohata)

NTT East, TEPCO Power Grid, and Tokyo Gas Network signed a partnership agreement on the 18th to solve social issues.

Naoki Shibutani, president of NTT East, said, “Collaborating beyond the interests of each company is something that has never been done before, and we believe it is an initiative that will have an impact on the world. This agreement is not closed. We are looking for new partners. We would like to increase the number of people, realize DX in the infrastructure field, and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.”

Yoshinori Kaneko, president of TEPCO Power Grid, commented, “This agreement will serve as an opportunity to eliminate barriers between businesses and human resources, and by working together as one company, we will work toward a common goal of providing maximum value to the local community. We want to achieve it”.

Kunio Nohata, president of Tokyo Gas Network, said, “With the three-company platform as the starting point, we want to contribute to local communities, create new value, and realize a sustainable society. By bringing together and combining the strengths of the two, we aim to sustainably strengthen regional infrastructure and further improve social value”.