Reducing the cost of cerebral endovascular treatment using RFID Teijin and Alm|電経新聞

Reducing the cost of cerebral endovascular treatment using RFID Teijin and Alm

Teijin and Allm have jointly started a demonstration test of a next-generation medical supply chain that utilizes a brain endovascular treatment planning program and an electronic tag system (RFID: Radio Frequency Identification). Cerebral endovascular treatment is a treatment method in which a thin tube called a catheter is inserted from a blood vessel in the thigh or elbow and a device called a stent or coil is placed to treat diseases such as cerebral infarction and cerebral aneurysm, but it was not used. There are many cases in which devices that have been sterilized are discarded due to lack of sterilization, and the disposal cost amounts to hundreds of millions of yen per year.
Allm has built a program that proposes optimal treatment plans and treatment devices using AI. Teijin will use its own RFID technology to develop an inventory management system to prevent excess or shortage of treatment devices.