Series “New Business Creation NTT East Group Company Solutions” ⑤ Human flow DX solution of NTT Townpage|電経新聞

Series “New Business Creation NTT East Group Company Solutions” ⑤ Human flow DX solution of NTT Townpage

人流DXソリューション(Human flow DX solution)

NTT Townpage is promoting “people flow DX solution”. This solution visualizes “when, what kind of people, and from where to where” by combining the company database owned by the company with various people flow data, and “what kind of facilities are there at the destination”. By grasping the location, it is possible to carry out area marketing that understands the purpose of the person who moved.
Takuro Kojima of NTT Townpage said, “Our company has been in the business of editing and publishing telephone directories for some time, and we have accumulated about 6 million companies in our database. This database is used for car navigation systems and corporate marketing. The data we possess is simple, such as company names, addresses, phone numbers, and industries, and can be used in a variety of ways depending on your ideas.A typical example is a solution that combines the Townpage database with people flow data (location information data). is.”

This people flow DX solution is used for corporate promotion activities and area people flow analysis.
“Various technologies are used to acquire location information, and we offer optimal solutions by changing partners according to customer needs,” says Mr. Kojima.
As for promotions, we are developing “geo-targeting ads” that target users based on smartphone location information. Specifically, retailers such as supermarkets and convenience stores can create ads by creating segments of users who have a history of visiting competitors, or “radius designation” that distributes ads only to users who are in the area centered on their own store. Targeting such as “point designation” to deliver is possible.
In addition, it is also possible to target specific demographics, such as wealthy people and mothers raising children.
“This can also be inferred from location information. People who visit nursery schools in the morning and evening can be presumed to be raising children, and people who live in luxury residential areas and use department stores can be presumed to be wealthy. None. Geo-targeting advertising is unique to our company in that it allows us to narrow down more potential demographics instead of randomly distributing advertisements,” says Mr. Kojima.

Analysis is being used more and more in the field of tourism. For example, local governments need to analyze tourist trends, such as where tourists come from, how they travel, and where they stay. By combining location information from smartphones and company databases, it is possible to grasp tourist trends.
“By knowing the trends of tourists, it will be easier to take measures such as what kind of sightseeing route should be set up, or how to distribute tourists in order to avoid the three Cs.” (Mr. Kojima) .
In addition, when selecting an area to open a new store, it is possible to accurately grasp the optimal area based on objective and quantitative data. It is possible to find the most suitable area for exhibiting a beauty salon, for example, because it is possible to identify areas with high and low traffic in mesh units, as well as attributes such as areas with many men and areas with many women.
It is also expected to be used in the disaster prevention field. Analyzing the past flow of people, such as predictions of people who will be unable to return home in the event of a disaster, will allow us to understand where it is effective to set up evacuation centers.
“Tourism and disaster prevention are important themes for many local governments,” says Kojima.