Outdoor solutions with robots HBA at 2022 Hokkaido Business EXPO|電経新聞

Outdoor solutions with robots HBA at 2022 Hokkaido Business EXPO

ドローンと搬送ロボットを連携(Coordination of drones and transport robots)

In addition to automatic inspection and operation of data centers using robots, HBA is also trying to automate so-called heavy work such as transporting goods generated in data centers by linking arm robots and transport robots.
Mr. Takanori Yamano, managing director of the company, explains, “This solution is being tested in our data center as a smart data center. It can be applied not only to data centers but also to factories and offices.”

The robot can carry loads up to 30 kilograms. Also, by adjusting the arm robot, it is possible to assemble a cardboard box. The work speed is said to be dozens of times that of humans.
The company is also focusing on outdoor solutions that combine drones and transport robots.
As an image, data such as farmland photographed by a drone is converted to 3D, and commands are issued to a transport robot via the cloud to carry out activities such as spraying pesticides and mowing.
“There are many cases of pesticide spraying using drones, but drones cannot carry heavy loads, so it has to be repeated many times. Therefore, it is more efficient to use a delivery robot to spray pesticides. Also, because pesticide spraying drones are large, they are priced in the tens of millions of yen. Small drones and delivery robots are reasonably priced because they are in the millions of yen.” ( Mr. Yamano).

In addition to agriculture, the company envisions applications such as mowing and snow removal work around outdoor power facilities.
“In Hokkaido, there is a high demand for automated snow removal. There are high hurdles such as temperature and battery problems, but we want to take on the challenge,” says Mr. Yamano.