Boys’ Love Popularity Secret Saeko Adachi (Small and Medium Business Consultant)|電経新聞

Boys’ Love Popularity Secret Saeko Adachi (Small and Medium Business Consultant)

Do you know the word Boys Love (BL)? It refers to manga, novels, video works, etc. that depict love between men, but in recent years, dramas with this BL theme have been gaining popularity, and the number has exploded in the past year or two. There are various ways of thinking in society, and it is a genre that chooses viewers. However, the fact that so many films have been produced and hits have been produced is proof that many viewers accept this theme more flexibly than the public image.

The reason why BL became widely accepted by the general public after this work is probably because it has gained sympathy from viewers by depicting universal human-to-human connections and love patterns that are no different from men and women. . This is because the essence is an orthodox human drama.
As the number of BL dramas increases, the quality of individual works will be questioned. Themes, world views, and character images tend to be second-hand. The period of being a hit just because it’s BL is already over, and the charm of each work is being questioned more strictly. Even so, I hope that many interesting works will continue to be created in the future.