Series “Creation of New Business NTT East Group Company Solutions” (3) Nippon Telematic Alcohol Check Service|電経新聞

Series “Creation of New Business NTT East Group Company Solutions” (3) Nippon Telematic Alcohol Check Service

Nippon Telematics has been developing a cloud-based service for operating and managing alcohol checks for license plate operators, Alken-kun, since this month.
Safe driving managers at companies can use this service to reduce the burden of operation.
Specifically, if the driver sends data from the breathalyzer test results using a dedicated smartphone app, it will be automatically recorded in the cloud along with the driver’s information. The safe driving manager can give approval on the cloud screen while talking to the driver.

The mandatory implementation from October has been postponed until there is a prospect for a stable supply of breathalyzers, but from April, visual checks by safe driving managers and the storage of records (for one year) will be obligatory. there is
The company’s target customer base is relatively small businesses with five or more passenger cars. Small businesses do not necessarily have high IT literacy and are not accustomed to operating cloud computing.
Therefore, “Al Ken-kun” provides only the minimum necessary functions to comply with the law. It’s simple design makes it easy for anyone to use.
The alcohol detector is compatible with two models, “Sosiac Neo SC-502” and “Neo Blue NEB-601” manufactured by Chuo Jidosha Kogyo.
Both devices are connected to the cloud and can be linked with face recognition devices. Sociac Neo can be linked with on-premises PC management software in addition to the cloud.
Some businesses do not want to incur running costs like cloud services, so we propose Sociac Neo to such businesses.

Regarding sales development, we will make maximum use of NTT East’s channels.