Mongolian’s “blue dragon” and “white tiger “ Mayumi Yamamoto(Buddhist painter,Cultural-property servicing techie )
From the grave in the seventh century unearthed at Mongolia in 2011, the mural painting of “Blue dragon” and “White tiger” was found. About 8.7 meters in Length, and about 1.8 meters in height It is interesting when considering the origin of four God and introduction which were drawn on the mural painting of Kitora tumulus or Takamatsuzuka old mound in Japan. From the time of excavation, it was molded on the heat insulation sheet. The archive of pictures was becoming unfeasibly.
Therefore, the team of Japan tried to investigate and register the mural painting, and we went to Mongolia in 2013 and 2014. We moved by car to the ruins located in about 180 km toward the west from Ulaanbaator. We ran the way without a way and arrived at the ruins which stand still at the plain. The sunlight of Mongolia in September is strong and hot. On the other hand, when it goes into underground ruins, it is very cold probably because of permafrost terrain. It becomes cold rapidly at night there. We bought foods in the town what has conservation. We purchased one sheep from the nomad and the Mongolia’s male staff cooked. Star burst in the whole sky spread out.

トレース作業をする筆者(the writer who does trace work )
Only the headlight is reliable in the inside of ruins. A huge blue dragon and white tiger appear on the surface of wall on either side. They have glared at us with certain eyeball like the palm. They seem to be the porters. Drawing is light and is the touches which got used to draw quickly. Red and blue two colors. The bureaucracy’s figure is drawn along with the horizontal. To be continued.