DDoS attack by the hacktivist of Russia Toshio Nawa(Managing director and senior analyst of Cyber defense institute)|電経新聞

DDoS attack by the hacktivist of Russia Toshio Nawa(Managing director and senior analyst of Cyber defense institute)

It became nearly impossible for the site of the governmental agency of Japan to read under the influence of DDoS attack at September 6th and 7th. The political hacktivist “Killnet” who is pro-Russia devised this attack.

Killnet appeared immediately after Ukraine invasion by Russia.

Killnet is listing the reasons for the attack to Japan. Accordingly,”Japan is supporting Ukraine”, “Japan is asserting the sovereign authority of Chishima islands under jurisdiction of Russia” and “Japan is supporting Moldova.”

Why has Killnet made reference about Moldova? Moldova is a country between Ukraine and Romania. Russian troops’ unit resides in Moldova. There was a bombing there on April 22. Media and SNS in Russia spread that it was a crime by Moldova government.

On May 1, Killnet devised DDoS attack to the public agency of Moldova.

In August, Russia forbade import of almost agricultural products from Moldova for the reason why the dangerous quarantine was included. Moldova prolonged the payment for the natural gas to Russia.It is said that it is the revenge to that.

On August 24, Killnet devised the DDoS attack to the public agency of Moldova.

The micro satellite of Moldova college of engineering was launched from the Japanese experiment module”Kibou” on August 12. On August 18,Japanese government has determined to contribute 1 billion yen, in order to support Moldova which the many Ukraine refugees are coming.

The memorandum of understanding concerning credit system between Japan and Moldova was signed on September 6.

It is hard to estimate the hacktivist’s cyberattack correctly. However, it is possible watch out with understanding the background which they attack.