“Kick analyzation”for COEDO KAWAGOE F.C NTT East Saitama west|電経新聞

“Kick analyzation”for COEDO KAWAGOE F.C NTT East Saitama west

キックデータ分析の模様。選手のキック フォームを映像で解析、評価、内 容を選手にフィードバック(Kick analyzation)

NTT East Saitama west, COEDO KAWAGOE F.C (CKF.C) and NEXT BASE carried out “Kick analyzation” which applied the high speed camera in Kiyose city,Tokyo on September 6th.

Mr. Yamagata of NEXT BASE explained, “We are studying sport biomechanics about Kick ability with National Sports Science Center. In “Kick analyzation”, our company takes charge the player’s kick form of image analysis based on the knowledge of Professor Hiroki Ozaki(National Sports Science Center Japan) .We feed back the result to the player.”

It is said that the Japanese football is technic consideration and kick ability is weak. By enhancing kick ability, new tactics also become possible.

Branch Manager Takeshi Maruyama of NTT East Saitama west described, “Our company is taking charge of the management for this project. NEXT BASE is in cooperation with the baseball team of NTT East as well. Their know-how is applicable to football so that we introduced NEXT BASE to CKF.C”.