Tips for Bilingual Education BRUEL Makiko(The cartonnage author of France traditional handicrafts )|電経新聞

Tips for Bilingual Education BRUEL Makiko(The cartonnage author of France traditional handicrafts )

Do you know the word “inheritance word”? It is “language other than the local language succeeded by the parent”. Those are “the language which we use daily in our home although it is foreign language”, or “Foreign language which we use only in our home mostly.” Many People think they can become bilingual automatically if they lives abroad. However, it is fantasy. It is impossible to become bilingual automatically only in the circumstance. An attempt of parent and child is necessary.

Mr. Kiyo Ikeda engaged in bilingual education in France explains the point. Mr. Ikeda speaks “since language education’s being the time of sowing and blooming is becoming an adult.”

Language education begins from the babble which baby speaks. Babble is universal language. Babble changes to the language of inherence because baby hears and imitates the language which an adult speaks. It is first line for the bilingual to tell the child inheritance word vocabulary. It is also important to prepare a cultural background and a life background.

Taking bilingual, the thing which is required is being able to use language now correctly. By age, you need concentrate on telling from less than a year old to 2 years old. You increase the language which 2 to 6 years old can use. They can recognize the characters and can read at the age of six. 9 years old is language critical periods. The transition stage of bilingual education comes. By this age, when the oral expression in an inheritance word is hard, an inheritance word turns into foreign language and a language will be studied with the dictionary.