Column “Round table”  The revolution by hard International projects challenge Yuichi Yamaura (Former JAXA manager )|電経新聞

Column “Round table”  The revolution by hard International projects challenge Yuichi Yamaura (Former JAXA manager )

Space development in the world has been expanded to urgency. US venture reversed the common sense by the innovation and new business model.
More than 70 nation have public space organization now.

China is catching up with USA and Russian, EU,Japan, and India are following . The space industry in the world is 40 trillion yen in 2020. There is also prediction with 120 trillion yen in 2040.
The problem of Japanese space industry is that there is no global competitiveness. Even if technology,organization and human power are excellent, the originality which exceeds the others is insufficient.

The motive powers of innovation and new business model creation are human and organization. And it is the society which urges the revolution. I would like to eliminate the demerit system, precedent principle, and alignment pressure in Japanese society.

Setting up the job culture which human power grow up by respecting spontaneity and personality, challenging a hard project. This is my opinion.

“Difficulty x International” prompts the revolution of human and organization.

If new job culture permeates, the ecosystem which produces the innovation will be formed.
As an example which the projects challenge changed job culture, I want to show International Space Station Program which I was engaged.

In the 1980s, the capability of Japan was suspected in and outside.

The unexplored goal changed the people’s consciousness and changed job culture.

The further aim should extend “new job culture” in “new educational culture.”

“educational revolution” is the important mission which we have been burdened.