Iinvestigation about telework  NTT docomo mobile social institutes|電経新聞

Iinvestigation about telework  NTT docomo mobile social institutes

新型コロナ感染拡大前後での意識の変化(consciousness change before and after COVID-19 )

NTT docomo mobile social institutes released the results of investigation about telework.

According to it, having been improved compared with before COVID-19 is that “human relations with a family” (6.7%)and “satisfaction of life” (5%).
“satisfaction of life” and “motivation” got worse compared with before COVID-19.

In 12.2% of the teleworkers who answered “using the time effectively”, “human relations with family” has improved compared with before COVID-19. In 10.7% of the teleworker, “satisfaction of life” has improved.

On the other hand, in 30 percent of the teleworker, “satisfaction of life” and the “motivation” got worse.