Investigated point service marketplace Yano Research Institute|電経新聞

Investigated point service marketplace Yano Research Institute

Yano Research Institute investigated the domestic point service marketplace.
The point amount of issue decreased to 98.1% compared with last fiscal year in 2020 fiscal year. It is because the consumption fell under the influence of COVID-19.

On the other hand, it estimated domestic point service market size at 103.1% compared with last fiscal year of 2,069,100 million yen by the point of the it of 172,900 million yen having been published in the policy of public administration.

The point amount of issue of public administration was halved after 2021 fiscal year. Therefore, point service market size stopped at 101.5% of 2,100,100 million yen and slight increase.

Yano Research Institute expects that the point amount of issue in 2022 fiscal year increases to 106%, and point service market size will be 102.5% of 2,153,300 million yen.