The threat actor Toshio Nawa(Managing director and senior analyst of Cyber defense institute)|電経新聞

The threat actor Toshio Nawa(Managing director and senior analyst of Cyber defense institute)

DX is progressing by various type of businesses. The companies which acquire original “Domain” are also increasing in number.

Domain is a name for identifying the computer and networking which exist on the internet.

According to the report from JPRS, JP domain registration numbers increased 60,470 in one year.

On the other hand, it is also deprecation of domain. Information about the website and mail address which were connected with domain remains on internet for a long time.

The threat actor who abuses the data which remained and gets profits exists. There are three kinds of threat actors.
Domain hijacker — Those who acquire a domain for the use of fake News and phishing scam.
Domains flipper — Those who acquire many and unspecified domainses and sell to the others for the economical profit.
Domains squatter — Those who sell domainses to the precedence to the specific company.

There are also some companies and governmental agencies which abolish the domains for cost reduction. They do not know the threat actor.
The case which gives the users of web service a disadvantage has occurred.

These are considered to be threat actor’s doing. Discarding a domains easily produces the tragedy by ignorance.

You should perform carefully the deprecation of domains which became unnecessary.