New service “natural funeral DX”|電経新聞

New service “natural funeral DX”

自然葬DXの概要(outline of natural funeral DX ) starts new service “natural funeral DX”.

This service has made one set even from funeral to burial, dispersal of ashes, and subsequent support.

Thereby, you can perform the natural burial smoothly.

A natural burial is popular among the husband and wife who have no child or the unmarried person.
There is a problem such as “cannot go to visit the grave” on the other hand.

Digital grave marker (natural burial card) solves such a problem.Digital grave marker is used by the war dead or disaster mourning in the United States.

By reading QR Code of digital grave marker with your smart phone, you can leave a mourning message and a photograph or can check them.

The basic plan of natural burial DX is from 380,000 yen in all about a funeral and an untaught grave. Average of 1 million yen or more take at a funeral and a grave generally in Japan.