

I read interestingly “World declining birthrate” (Mainichi Newspapers group of reporters, Mainichi Newspapers publication).
The affirmative opinion and the negative opinion are drawn with the sufficient balance about declining birthrate.

I got to know that the points of argument which are behind the declining birthrate are “economy” and “ecology” with this book.
Peoples who think economic growth as important consider the declining birthrate to be a problem.

Peoples who think ecology as important are affirmative to the declining birthrate. If the population decreases in the the
declining birthrate, energy consumption will also decrease and preservation of the earth will be getting better.
Peoples in the world who have realized the the declining birthrate to be the good news instead of a problem.

It is regarded the declining birthrate as the disaster of national-crisis in Japan. However, many Japanese may consider the declining birthrate or the population decrease in the affirmative. Therefore, the governmental measure is not effective.

If it becomes like this, we cannot but lengthen the merit by the population decrease greatly, and cannot but build the society which does smaller by the demerit.
A merit is effective use of land . The space which one person can use increases in number, our freedom increases, and we become easy to live.

A demerit is economic stagnation. We become poor by labor shortage and fall of consumption .

The point to get over is raising labor productivity. The thing which is important is the activity of digital and robot.

If it catches positively, it will be Japan that is in the best position to make compatible between economy and ecology in the world.

(Kei Kitajima)