Column “Round table”  In-house innovation centered on technology Takashi Hanazawa (Former President of NTT Advanced Technology)|電経新聞

Column “Round table”  In-house innovation centered on technology Takashi Hanazawa (Former President of NTT Advanced Technology)

At the NTT Institutes in which I worked, the preponderant technical field shifted the service, the solution from ICT infrastructure gradually with the current of the times.

It has been big issue as management of technology how to connect IT technologies of NTT Institutes to business.

The way of thinking called not the technology but the value which the technology produces is very important for providing. However, the technician will centralize concern on the technical development. I think that four pointses are important.

One is responsible person definitization and sufficient transfer of powers. Many start-up companies are led with a one person, at most two or three people’s business ideas and passion. Major company may crush an important ideas through the process of decision-making.
In NTT, they used to adopt the producing system as one try. The Producer promoted industrialization of the result of research by the alliance with companies not only the inside of groups but also other groups.

The second is mastering communications skills with the marketspace.
The third is that the manager shows a vision. The vision about the society of future or life is important in order to produce new product and service.
NTT is tackling the next-generation platform based on the full optical network by IOWN.

The fourth is mobilization promotion of healthy employment. For starting the innovation from technology, talented people’s diversity is indispensable.
Not only in-house entrepreneurship but also the policy which gives young technician the place of activity by the investment and cooperation to startup company is important.