Research side 326 ”Incorrect information diffusion control technology” NTT social information institute|電経新聞

Research side 326 ”Incorrect information diffusion control technology” NTT social information institute

NTT social information institute is furthering R&D of “incorrect information diffusion control technology” which protect the user in the post truth age.

The post truth age is the situation where the one more sentimental than the objective fact has influence. Some people say it is the society which scorns the fact.
The new cyber-threat in the post truth is diffusion of the fake news on SNS. Therefore, NTT is studying “incorrect information diffusion control technology”.

NTT developed the mathematical model which describes diffusion of incorrect information mathematically based on user’s action or human-relations information.

Understanding correctly the mechanism which incorrect information diffuses with mathematical model. And carrying out suitable intervention. 

This is one point of the platform where diffusion of incorrect information does not take place easily.

The measure against incorrect information was ex post conventionally. Therefore, user will be exposed to incorrect information for a while.
“incorrect information diffusion control technology” has aimed at the platform which incorrect information does not diffuse easily preventively.

A technical point is having built mathematical model in consideration of the interaction of incorrect information and correction information.

Diffusion of incorrect information may be controlled by correction information in the actual world. On the other hand, incorrect information may spread because attentions gather for correction information.
“incorrect information diffusion control technology” is covering such reality.

The present condition is also concentrating on the measure against the echo chamber.
The echo chamber is a phenomenon which one specific opinion and thought amplify by alternating and sympathizing each other by people who are alike on SNS.
It is said that the echo chamber is a hotbed of fake news. The measure against the echo chamber leads to diffusion deterrence of incorrect information.