Even if there is physically handicapped person, can live with confidence③ Takao Mitsui(NPO Realize adviser )|電経新聞

Even if there is physically handicapped person, can live with confidence③ Takao Mitsui(NPO Realize adviser )

For me and my family, it was the big step toward symbiotic society to go to neighboring elementary school.
I remember the day of first going to school vividly.

I was surrounded from my classmates to interesting. My classmate did the gentle and pure question. I explained my peaky thing and using the wheelchair cause I could not walk. Classmate began to consider the friend who is together .

While passing such days, so-called “Mitsu-chann rule” was done. When playing baseball, I was able to hit . however, I become only out even if it runs with a wheelchair.

At such time, the moment I struck, one friend ran instead of me. The friend supported that I could not do it.

The culture was adapted also for the injured classmate. I also considered actively what I was beneficial to that friend. It was natural for me who am a disabled person to have played an active part in the class.

7years old children achieved “symbiotic society” at school.
If there is gentle culture, diversity will approach.