Support for 1on1 meeting NTT Communications|電経新聞

Support for 1on1 meeting NTT Communications

利用イメージ(use image of COTOHA 1on1 Assistant )

NTT Communications (NTT com) has released a new service “COTOHA 1on1 Assistant” which supports the manager’s improvement in the skill of 1on1 meeting.

1on1 is a measure which the manager supports while sharing a follower’s hangup for the purpose of urging a follower’s growth. With the spread of remote works, Japanese companies which introduce 1on1 as one measure are increasing in number.
There are not few companies which do not have a skill required for 1on1 on the other hand.
“COTOHA 1on1 Assistant” is developed in order to support such companies.

There are six distinctive characteristicses of this service. That is, (1) “promposal of communication points which utilized the type diagnostic”, (2) “prevention alert functions talking too much “, (3) “real-time analyzation of 1on1 skill”, (4) “progress visualization of the description of followup”, (5) “newest multi-modal AI engine loading”, and (6) “no record dialog.”

About 800 persons use this service in NTTcom. They say “Popular function is prevention alert functions talking too much”. Because a manager generally often talks, the opportunity for a follower to speak decreases. It is popular that it can prevent this.
In addition, the voice of users is that “it is useful for followup functions to raise confidential relation” and”Good to be able to have an interview after getting to know person’s communication type in advance”.