“Buzz strategy” Yuichi Inukai(Sociologist)|電経新聞

“Buzz strategy” Yuichi Inukai(Sociologist)


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I may think contributing to social networking service. It is wonderful that a trifling post attracts many folks’ remark and reply continues for a long time. If there is strange law and it is discovered, do you become payably? There is also actually research in the “Buzz strategy”.

Sociology is the science which thinks of the “society” where folks live. However, society does not become at will. In sociology, they call “finding ofa society” hammily. There is society just because it does not become at will.

Sociology is science about the society which does not become satisfactory. While considering the reason variously, I notice that I have made the society where it is important to consider the reason. In fact by discussing a serious social problem, I have made the problem serious. If everybody begins to say the similarly same thing, the problem will be emphasized and the increasingly same problem will attract attention.

For example,”The severe gap has arisen in the exam war!” If a famous sociologist says, many parents will wish only their children want to make it win. As a result, the exam war becomes still more intense.
The sociologist itself must be aware of such a sort of sociology. It is because there is a potential of making it getting worse rather than solving a problem.