AI chatbot to promote the transmigration Ina city and OKI|電経新聞

AI chatbot to promote the transmigration Ina city and OKI

移住ライフデザインの画面(screen of transmigration life design)

OKI supplied Ina city, Nagano AI chatbot. This AI chatbot proposes the life plan in which the transmigration candidate suited that person by replying to easy questions (age, work, hope of home, etc.).
Ina city is applying as “transmigration life design.”

Population is concentrating on urban areas in the decrease-in-population age. Rural areas have been the problems that the economic sluggishness by the labor shortage or the scantiness of successors.
Ina city has got one intention to promote the transmigration and regional vitalization by using transmigration life design.