10 disaster prevention points selected at an online seminar in response to frequent natural disasters NTT East Chiba|電経新聞

10 disaster prevention points selected at an online seminar in response to frequent natural disasters NTT East Chiba

セミナーの様子(Scene from the seminar)

On August 24th (Thursday), NTT East Chiba held an online seminar “Frequent large-scale earthquakes and torrential rain. Now is the time to prepare for natural disasters! ~ 10 points of corporate disaster prevention talked about by NTT East ~”.
Since May of this year, Chiba Prefecture has experienced several large earthquakes with a seismic intensity of level 5. In addition, natural disasters such as heavy rains and floods are occurring frequently this summer.
Against this background, companies are becoming more aware of disaster prevention.
At the online seminar, we introduced disaster prevention measures that companies should prepare based on the company’s experience.
Corporate disaster prevention can be broadly divided into two categories. One is “disaster prevention” to minimize damage to employees and company facilities, and the other is “BCP” to continue business activities and recover quickly.
Disaster prevention is an advance preparation for avoiding or mitigating damage, while BCP is a post-facto response, such as how to continue business in an emergency.

Based on these points, 10 countermeasures were introduced.
Specifically, (1) Confirmation of evacuation routes in advance, (2) Clarification of division of roles, (3) Review of office furniture, (4) Implementation of disaster drills, (5) Emergency communication methods/safety confirmation, ⑥ “Preparation/management of stockpiles”, ⑦ “Preparation for lifeline outages”, ⑧ “Cooperative system with surrounding companies and communities (mutual assistance)”, ⑨ “Formulation of BCP”, ⑩ “Backup of important data” detailed.

In addition, as an example introduction, he mentioned a company that introduced an in-basket game in training. An in-basket game is a virtual business game that aims to become a fictitious person and process more cases with high accuracy within the time limit.
The company had a problem that the management of managers lacked the perspective of disaster prevention. Therefore, in order to foster a sense of ownership when responding to disasters, we conducted a disaster prevention in-basket game using video in an online format.