Acquired a patent for technology that removes shadows that appear in satellite images Ridge-i|電経新聞

Acquired a patent for technology that removes shadows that appear in satellite images Ridge-i

人工衛星が撮影した街の画像。ビルの影部分は暗くて地上の様子が分かりづらい㊧、影除去技術を施した画像。影で見えなかった箇所の色味が再現されて、目視で確認できるようになった ㊨(An image of the city taken by a satellite. Shadows of buildings are dark, making it difficult to see the ground (left). Image with shadow removal technology. Colors that were not visible due to shadows have been reproduced and can now be visually confirmed (right))

Ridge-i has obtained a patent for an image processing technology (shadow removal technology) that removes shadows and the like from satellite images and displays what originally existed.
By using this technology, it is possible to reproduce the colors of areas in satellite images that are difficult to see due to the shadows of buildings, etc., improving visibility and making it easier to confirm important information from images.
Generally, an image contains a lot of noise, which poses a problem in human visual confirmation and image analysis processing.
Shadow removal technology detects shadows in satellite images and converts them to the equivalent of other colors to produce a shadowless image. Currently, Ridge-i takes satellite images and provides them after generating shadow-removed images. In the future, the company plans to consider additional development so that it can be installed on satellite imaging platforms such as Tellus.