Promoting online free schools for non-attendance children and students Seiki Community Group|電経新聞

Promoting online free schools for non-attendance children and students Seiki Community Group

Seiki Community Group has opened an online free school “Singaku (” for truant children and students, and is an initiative to provide truant children with new learning and places to stay. We are promoting.
“Shingaku” opened in May. There are three features for providing educational opportunities to children who do not attend school.
One is application support for the “attendance treatment system” that allows students to attend school while staying at home. The other adopts the non-grade ICT teaching material “Surara” ( and develops 5 subjects learning at the child’s pace. The third is the development of social activities that children can enjoy participating in, such as Metaverse classrooms and games that are open from Monday to Friday.