Multipoint, low-latency live distribution with IOWN NTT|電経新聞

Multipoint, low-latency live distribution with IOWN NTT

エンド・ツー・エンド光映像配信アーキテクチャ(End-to-end optical video distribution architecture)

NTT demonstrated the basic functions of end-to-end optical video distribution technology for next-generation video distribution using APN.
An end-to-end optical video distribution architecture that utilizes APN will realize low-delay live distribution that connects multiple points on demand.
This architecture uses resources such as CPU, GPU, and memory on APN as video processing resources. These resources are interconnected by optical wavelengths by optoelectronic devices, and the video FDN controller controls allocation of resources and connection between resources according to the scale and content of required video processing. These video processing resources are directly connected to the APN device (APN-G) by optical paths, and the end-to-end optical paths connect the input of the video material and the output to the player. Optical communication can be used for video data communication and connection between resources, and ultra-low delay, wide bandwidth, and low power consumption can be achieved compared to conventional video distribution systems that rely on electrical processing.