Supporting the elderly with home appliance information in Maebashi MIRAIT X and Energy Gateway|電経新聞

Supporting the elderly with home appliance information in Maebashi MIRAIT X and Energy Gateway

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MIRAIT X has collaborated with Energy Gateway to launch the “Lifestyle monitoring support +” service based on home appliance information as one of the “Maebashi Life Tech Promotion Projects” promoted by Maebashi City.
With this service, one power sensor is installed in each home, and the power consumption of each home appliance is visualized to realize monitoring of the elderly. In addition, it notifies the application of disaster prevention and crime prevention information from local governments by push type.
MIRAIT X installs a power sensor on the distribution board inside the house. Energy Gateway analyzes and visualizes collected power data.

In Japan, 1.5 people of working age will support one elderly person in 2040, and the shortage of workers to support the elderly has become an issue for Japanese society.
Against this background, Maebashi City is aiming to build a community monitoring system that utilizes IoT.