There is a need for a “brain health check toll-free number” NTT Com|電経新聞

There is a need for a “brain health check toll-free number” NTT Com

NTT Communications (NTT Com) has been conducting a free trial period of about half a year for the AI-based cognitive function measurement service “Brain Health Check Free Dial” (0120-468-354), which was launched in September last year. Aggregated and analyzed.
During the free trial period, there were approximately 450,000 calls, and about half of the users accessed the “Brain Health Check Free Dial” website after conducting a brain health check.
NTT Com has confirmed that there is a certain level of demand for a service that checks brain health over the phone, and that there is a high level of public interest in brain health. The free trial period will be extended until March 31 next year in order to continue working on creating new business models using the “Brain Health Check Free Dial” service.