Co-creation towards manufacture DX NTT Communications and Omron|電経新聞

Co-creation towards manufacture DX NTT Communications and Omron

共創のイメージ(Composition of cooperation)

NTT Communications and Omron have begun the co-creation towards manufacture DX. They unite the technology of IT domain,and the technology of OT domain. They promote development and distribution of the solution which can share the data of OT domain between the whole supply chain while protecting the data sovereign authority.
They collect data at the optimal place, analyze data, and promote optimization of the field by feeding back to the field.

Investors ask a company for environmental disclosure now. The company needs to collect the data of the global supply chain and has to summarize not only the amount of the energy used of its company but also fuel consumption, an environmental impact which have occurred at the factory of the supplier.
The new digital infrastructure called GAIA-X (Gaia X) is built from such a background in EU.
Akira Sakaino of NTT Communications says “if this is achieved, when connecting data from the company A to the company B and the company C, they can share specific data only with a specific partner”.
“Security” and “Data sovereign authority” are mentioned as a point towards the implementation.

Mr. Sakaino states,”When Japanese companies participate in GAIA-X, they must be careful. For example, if data is put on Germany, even if it is a company in Japan, the data and authentification may be managed by the European rule. In order to keep the data sovereign authority of Japan, it is preferable to put on Japan at data and to manage using the authentification base of Japan.
NTT Communications thinks that it is better to built the data infrastructure in Japan and to cooperate with the overseas infrastructures”.
NTT Communications is promoting preparation of the global data cooperation infrastructure, and is developing the promposal activities to the Japanese government and company.