Introduced “DMARC” and “DKIM” into docomo mail NTT docomo|電経新聞

Introduced “DMARC” and “DKIM” into docomo mail NTT docomo

NTT docomo introduced the transmitting domain authentication technology “DMARC” and “DKIM” into docomo mail.
The authenticator by the transmitting domains is enhanced and the distinction precision of spoofing mail improves with these technologies.
When it distinguishes from the spoofing mail, they do not deliver an email to users. It leads to reduction of the phishing scam.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is a technology which is treating an email according to the policy which attested the mail domain and the norm owner of the mail domain defined. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) is a technology of checking whether it being the email transmitted from the right mail domain using an electronic signature.