

Japanese population is 123,223,561 now.It decreased for 13 back-to-back years.The population of Tokyo region also decreased.

The birth numbers were about 810,000 in 2021. This is lowest ever.

Japan is the society of shrinking population exactly. Also globally, low birthrate and longevity and decrease in population are becoming big issue.

According to the book “the shock of global population “, population explosion does not occur but will predict that the population of the world decreases from 2050 That book mentions “Economic rise” and “Female’s improvement in the status” as the background.

The country in which economy has developed and female status improved becomes decrease in the birthrate generally.This is a theory of the world.

The effect is limited even if the government uses time and money to raise the birthrate.

Japan should also walk along practical line.

It is better for Japan to spend time and money that few population may also build the society which can maintain richness.

We need to build an new ecosystem otherwise Japan would be only ruined.

That book supposes that the scrabble of immigration will take place in each country after 2050.

On the other hand, Japan is expected to adopt a never select in immigration. That book sees that Japanese people are expected to accept the collapse of villages and the falloff of wealth. I also think that Japan does not become an immigration state.

Because there is no know-how in Japan, Japan cannot overcome the immigration scramble.

However, I do not think that Japanese people accepts the collapse of villages and the falloff of wealth simply.

That is why we should aim at new ecosystem.

Kei Kitajima