Column “Round table”  Toward further promotion of the university-industry collaboration project. Koichi Tsuduki (Shinshu University specially appointed professor )|電経新聞

Column “Round table”  Toward further promotion of the university-industry collaboration project. Koichi Tsuduki (Shinshu University specially appointed professor )

Society and marketspace have seen the turning point.

In order for the company to raise the enterprise of future, it is required to be an advanced levels and to carry out the survey of the extensive technical range speedily.

We should include the university in the research and development of the company more than the former. The issue towards strengthening of the university-industry collaboration which should be solved also occurs.

Issue (1) — Establishment of the organization which promotes the university-industry collaboration projects
It is important investment for the company so that the top management’s commitment is indispensable.
The efficiency to summarize a complicated projects is necessary for the project leader. University is asked for strengthening of intellectual property creation, and strengthening of intellectual property portfolio management system.

Issue (2) — Information sharing as the basis of the university-industry collaboration projects
The place which talks the future together is required for the university-industry collaboration projects.
University has to continue to create attractive intellectual property and opportunity.

Issue (3) — Formation of the strategic consortium for the harmonic technical development of the supply chain for new business
Construction of strategic research-and-development consortium is quite important.
We need to activate the society activity.

Issue (4) — Strengthening of young personnel training
The government and the university are beginning to think out for young researcher training. We should use those measures also in the university-industry collaboration.