Towards the contact center of the future NTT Nexia|電経新聞

Towards the contact center of the future NTT Nexia

会話型AIエージェントの概要(Overview of interactive AI agents )

NTT Nexia is conceiving of the contact center of the future. The current is promoting DX of the customer service.

The importance of the contact center is increasing. On the other hand, the voice of users such like “Not connected” and “being kept waiting” are also heard. Contact center is sometimes called cost center. The improvement in cost benefit is called for. Employees’ treatment modification is also in the urgent status. NTT Nexia is concentrating on the innovation of contact center for those background.

Akio Fukazawa of NTT Nexia explains “We are calling it the hybrid center. We aim at the circumstance which People and robot commit together”.

They are going to mount AI in the contact center for the hybrid center.Miho Suzuki of NTT Nexia says, “By mounting knowledge in chatbot, we are developing the interactive AI agents”.
The interactive AI agents performs the operation of contact center instead of employees.

NTT Nexia is thinking cooperation of People and robot as important. They do not assume only robot’s contact center.

It is because there are two roles of “Support Axis” and “Dialog Axis” in the contact center.

Support Axis is finite works, such as application receptionist.

Dialog Axis is the work for which the flexible communication is needed such like retention and so on.

Fukazawa says,”The robot takes charge of Support Axis and the human being takes charge of Dialog Axis. Dialog Axis will be future strong point”.