GX Solutions as the next growth area  OKI crosstech|電経新聞

GX Solutions as the next growth area  OKI crosstech

鴻巣事業所の導入したGXのイメージ(Image of GX introduced at Konosu Plant)

In order to strengthen its GX Solutions, OKI Crosstech has positioned its office in Konosu, Saitama Prefecture, as an environmentally conscious base, and has introduced ultra-lightweight flexible solar power generation and EV charging infrastructure equipment in line with the conversion of company cars to EVs, and has begun demonstrating a renewable energy circulation system including storage batteries.

The company’s president, Hiroshi Tomizawa, said, “We are positioning GX as one of our next growth areas. In addition to electrical work, network work, and construction, we are also developing solutions in addition to the installation and maintenance of OKI products. GX is an area in which we can provide electrical technology, network construction, system construction, and energy management solutions throughout Japan in one stop. However, what we lack is operational know-how. We are proceeding with this initiative in order to accumulate operational know-how. Currently, GX Solutions’ cumulative sales are around 2 billion yen, but by accumulating operational know-how, we would like to increase this to 20 billion yen by 2030.”
At the Konosu facility, we have installed a verification facility for energy creation and storage integration. We are conducting trials to provide optimal services from design to installation, construction, operation, and maintenance.
The GX solution installed at the Konosu facility consists of a solar power generation system, a storage battery system, EV charging infrastructure, a power circulation system that connects them, and an energy management system (EMS) that consolidates and controls information from each system.
When installing the equipment, we first began designing the system with a configuration that would maximize efficiency in order to know the overall power capacity. In this case, we set a goal of covering about 40% of annual power consumption with renewable energy, and installed panels of about 270 kilowatts. The panels were installed in three places: the roof, the exterior wall, and the eaves roof.
Flexible modules were installed on 80% of the facility roof (2,700 square meters). Each module has a power generation capacity of 375 watts, and a total of 672 modules were attached using an adhesive method.
The flexible module solves the problems of conventional glass panels.

フレキシブルモジュール(Flexible Module)

For example, it weighs a quarter of the weight of conventional panels, so it can be installed without worrying about load-bearing capacity. It is lightweight, yet has the same power generation efficiency as conventional panels. In addition, it reflects only a tenth of the light of conventional panels, so it has less impact on the neighborhood. It does not use hazardous substances, so it can be disposed of as general waste. It can be attached to walls because it is an adhesive construction method.

By taking advantage of the above features, it will be possible to install modules in buildings and places where it was previously impossible to install them.

Two regular EV chargers and one charger/discharger were installed in the parking lot. The charger/discharger can discharge power from the EV battery to the building. It is also considering use in disaster situations.

In the future, the company plans to continue conducting demonstrations in real environments, improve its system construction capabilities in multi-vendor environments, and expand the GX Solution business by utilizing the knowledge gained from construction techniques and operational know-how.

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