Solving waterworks issues with ICT Yokohama Waterworks Bureau|電経新聞

Solving waterworks issues with ICT Yokohama Waterworks Bureau

ページから(Proposals can be made on the Waterworks ICT Information Liaison Committee website.)

In order to promote the use of ICT in waterworks, the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau shares and disseminates the issues (needs) faced by each waterworks operator at the Waterworks ICT Information Liaison Committee, which is made up of 21 waterworks operators, including the Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau and the Osaka Waterworks Bureau. In addition, the committee is constantly seeking proposals for new technologies from private companies and others.
This time, the committee is seeking technical proposals to be presented at the “6th Information Liaison Committee,” scheduled to be held in June next year.
At this time, there are 132 issues (needs) for which proposals are being solicited.
Proposals are accepted not only from waterworks-related operators, but also from a variety of other companies.
To make a proposal, refer to the “Operator Issues List” on the Waterworks ICT Information Liaison Committee website and submit your proposal using the “Technology Proposal Form.” The deadline is Friday, January 17th next year. Proposals are accepted at any time.
The Waterworks ICT Information Liaison Committee was established in cooperation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau, the Osaka Waterworks Bureau, and the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau to promote the use of ICT in waterworks. Currently, 21 entities are active, including Sakai City Waterworks Bureau, Kanagawa Prefecture Enterprise Bureau, Hiroshima City Water Bureau, Nagoya City Waterworks Bureau, Niigata City Waterworks Bureau, Fukushima City Waterworks Bureau, Saitama City Waterworks Bureau, Fukuoka City Waterworks Bureau, Kyoto City Waterworks Bureau, Shizuoka City Waterworks Bureau, Kobe City Waterworks Bureau, Fukuoka Prefecture Southern Area Waterworks Authority, Chiba Prefecture Enterprise Bureau, Hamamatsu City Waterworks Department, Sapporo City Waterworks Bureau, Kitakyushu City Waterworks Bureau, Utsunomiya City Waterworks Bureau, and Kumamoto City Waterworks Bureau.
The fifth information liaison meeting was held in Osaka in June this year. Presentations were held on technical proposals from various industries to address the challenges faced by waterworks entities.

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