NTT Communications offers “Sleep Support Squad” to support health management
NTT Communications (NTT Com) offers NTT PARAVITA’s sleep improvement service “Sleep Support Squad” as an option for the health management support service “Your Health Support Squad.”
“Your Health Support Squad” is a service that analyzes data from health checkups and PHR (daily weight, number of steps, etc.) and uses ICT to help improve lifestyle habits. It supports both physical and mental health of employees.
“Sleep Support Squad” is a companion-type service that focuses on improving sleep to prevent mental disorders in employees. It offers a “Basic Package” and a “Sleep Improvement Program.”
The basic package consists of the “Sleep Consultation Room,” where qualified sleep specialists such as nurses and public health nurses answer questions about sleep, the “Sleep Contents” that deliver content such as videos and columns about sleep, the “Sleep Check” that visualizes employees’ sleep and stress levels, and the “Corporate Report” that provides reports on participation in the Sleep Support Group and the status of sleep improvement.
The “Sleep Improvement Program” provides online advice on sleep improvement. Sleep sensors are lent to employees who agree, and qualified people such as sleep improvement instructors, registered dietitians, nurses, public health nurses, and yoga instructors will support employees in improving their sleep in accordance with their lifestyles based on the data collected by the sensors.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Survey published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2010, the percentage of workplaces where workers had been absent for more than one consecutive month due to mental health problems in the past year was 10.6%, and is increasing year by year.
Lack of sleep and insomnia symptoms are cited as one of the causes of mental problems.
“Sleeping Cheer Squad” has achieved an 86% improvement rate in sleep, and has been introduced to many companies as a sleep tech that aims to reduce stress and improve productivity.
“Your Health Cheer Squad” can automatically screen employees with sleep disorders using sleep efficiency calculated from sleep time obtained from Fitbit and the Athens Insomnia Scale. As a result of the screening, instructions on how to use “Sleeping Cheer Squad” are automatically sent to employees who need to improve their sleep, providing them with awareness and improvement measures.
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