NTT to offer tsuzumi on Azure from November|電経新聞

NTT to offer tsuzumi on Azure from November

nwm ONEをアピールする島田社長(President Shimada promoting nwm ONE)

On August 7, NTT announced its financial results for April-June 2024. Operating revenue was 3.24 trillion yen (up 129 billion yen from the previous quarter), and operating profit was 435.8 billion yen (down 38.8 billion yen from the previous quarter). Revenue increased but profit decreased.
President Akira Shimada explained, “Operating profit decreased due to a decrease in revenue from mobile and fixed-line communication services, as well as cost investments to strengthen the customer base at NTT Docomo, removal of unnecessary assets to reduce facility maintenance costs at NTT East and West, and disaster recovery costs from the Noto Peninsula earthquake. Both revenue and profit are progressing roughly as expected.”

As a topic, he introduced the trends of Tsuzumi. Tsuzumi, the NTT version of LLM, has been commercially available since March, and currently has over 400 proposals for implementation, with Yamato Transport and the Fukui Prefectural Government already deciding to implement it.

The Tsuzumi Partner Program has also been launched, with transcosmos, which operates call centers, among others, participating. From November, Tsuzumi will be available on Microsoft’s Azure.

NTT Sonority also promoted the open-ear overhead ear speaker “nwm ONE,” which was released last month.

The product is equipped with “PSZ” and “Magic Focus Voice,” core technologies for manipulating sound developed by NTT Laboratories. “PSZ” traps sound close to the ear without blocking the ear, so even though it is an open-ear speaker, there is no need to worry about sound leaking out. “Magic Focus Voice” cuts out surrounding noises and delivers only your voice, reducing the stress of the other party hearing your voice during phone calls and online meetings.

He also explained about the renewable energy business. Last year, the company acquired Green Power Investment (GPI), Japan’s largest power generation company, as a subsidiary, and is now able to see its target of achieving 8 billion kilowatt-hours of renewable energy by fiscal 2030.

During the financial results conference, there were many questions related to Docomo.

When asked about strengthening Docomo’s customer base, President Shimada replied, “We must strengthen sales at mass retailers. I think we will see results in the second half of the year.”

Until now, Docomo has focused on online support, but from now on it will promote both online and brick-and-mortar stores.

“We will strengthen our online support, but at the same time, there is also a need for people to actually buy a device, so we will respond to that need at our stores. We will work well together online and brick-and-mortar stores,” President Shimada said.

He also expressed his understanding of Docomo’s establishment of a bank.
“Banks are necessary for providing comprehensive financial services. dPayment settlement is also growing steadily, and we will further expand our overall financial business,” he said.

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