Introducing original payment service “SAMURAI PAY”  Post office monitoring service|電経新聞

Introducing original payment service “SAMURAI PAY”  Post office monitoring service

Japan Post has introduced ”SAMURAI PAY”, an original payment service provided by Samurai (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, President: Keita Sunaga), to its post office monitoring service.
SAMURAI PAY requires no code or programming to install. This is a service that allows you to easily create original payment forms by copying and pasting. The post office watch service provides peace of mind to elderly people living alone and their families who live far away, with local post office staff visiting the homes of elderly people directly. Confirm the living situation through conversation and report the situation to the family and local government in a report with photos.
Japan Post chose SAMURAI PAY to introduce credit card payment when applying through the service’s website. The points that were evaluated were the initial development costs and operating costs for updating the application website, the speed of implementation, and scalability. The company plans to expand to other services in the future.