Issuing NFTs at events, creating new urban experiences Kanazawa Institute of Technology|電経新聞

Issuing NFTs at events, creating new urban experiences Kanazawa Institute of Technology

バーチャルしいのき迎賓館(Virtual Shiinoki Guest House)

Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Department of Media and Information Studies will be participating in the illumination event “Kanazawa Tsukimi Koji 2023,” which will be held at the square in front of the Shiinoki State Guest House in Kanazawa City for three days from the 20th (Friday) to the 22nd (Sunday) at Fujitsu Japan. and Fujitsu’s “Fujitsu Web3 Acceleration Platform” to issue NFTs.

The fusion of traditional light-up events and Fujitsu’s cutting-edge technology will create a new urban experience, create a “connected population” that is involved with the local area regardless of where they live, and implement social implementation to improve the awareness and value of NFTs. This will be an experiment.

Kanazawa Institute of Technology promotes socially-implemented educational research with the aim of solving social issues through industry-academia collaboration.

Since March of this year, as an external partner participating in the Fujitsu Group’s “Fujitsu Accelerator Program for CaaS,” they have been provided with the “Fujitsu Web3 Acceleration Platform” as a place to practice co-creation activities using Web3 elemental technologies.