Renewal of underwater acoustic measurement facility OKI|電経新聞

Renewal of underwater acoustic measurement facility OKI

「SEATEC NEO」開所式("SEATEC NEO" opening ceremony)

OKI has renovated Japan’s only underwater acoustic measurement facility for the first time in 33 years, and has begun operation as a new fixed measurement barge, ”SEATECNEO”.
A barge is a barge. Generally speaking, it refers to a flat-bottomed vessel that is built to carry heavy cargo and navigate within ports and is towed by a tugboat. The company’s underwater acoustic measurement facility is a flat-bottomed ship fixed in the bay with test equipment inside, and although it does not sail, it is called a barge because of its shape.
SEATECNEO has increased the opening area for hanging evaluation equipment by 1.5 times. This has not only made it possible to conduct underwater acoustic measurement tests for underwater equipment of various uses and sizes, but also to store electricity generated by solar panels installed on the rooftop within the facility and use it to operate underwater equipment day and night. It is now possible to acquire and store weather data, etc.
In addition to expanding and improving the efficiency of sea trial operations, the company plans to use the data to provide marine information to fisheries-related parties and others who need it, as well as to create new businesses that will contribute to the promotion of the blue economy.